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  One Law for All Leaflet

On Sharia Council and Muslim Arbitration Tribunals: Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

Devastating New Evidence on Sharia Courts

Areas of concern regarding Home Affairs Select Committee on Sharia

Sharia courts are quiet continuation of colonial discriminatory condescension

Over 300 Abused Women Issue Statement Against Parallel Legal Systems: Who will listen to our voices?

Personal Testimonies by Women on Inequities of Sharia Courts

One Law for All boycotting “Independent Review” into Sharia

Background on Imams and Scholars on Sharia Inquiry

Campaigners urge government to fully and impartially investigate Sharia bodies

Open letter to the Home Secretary: The law and not religion is basis of justice for citizens

Conference with New Evidence on Sharia Courts in Britain and Adverse effects of Legal Pluralism for Women

Press Release – women’s rights groups urge government to hold inquiry into Sharia ‘courts’ and the lack of access to justice

395 signatories call to dismantle parallel legal systems

Sharia Law is Incompatible with Human Rights

Press release – Women’s rights campaigners welcome withdrawal of the Law Society’s sharia wills practice note

Law Society failure to withdraw Sharia-compliant Practice Note gross derogation of duty

Equality and Human Rights Commission rules that gender segregation is unlawful

We must break hold of pro-Islamist lobby on the Law Society

The Solicitor’s Regulatory Authority withdraws its endorsement of the Law Society’s discriminatory practice note on Sharia wills

To UN: UK public institutions continue to fail to uphold an environment free of discrimination

Statement on High Court ‘Beth Din’ case

Additional Resources on Sharia

An Open Letter from Iranian and Afghan Women, International Lawyers and Global Women Leaders Urging Countries to Recognize the Crime of Gender Apartheid

Islamic regime of Iran must be removed from UN Commission on Status of Women

Young Muslim woman raped and her children kidnapped by violent husband after trying to obtain divorce through ‘sharia courts’, Carmon Report

Webinar on marriage law and its effects on minority women

SBS writes to the Law Commission about marriage law and the rights of minority women

Court of Appeal ruling will force women to discriminatory Sharia courts

The hijab: “preventing common impositions”

Does religion have a privileged status in the UK?

Significant case on women’s rights following break up of marriage at the Court of Appeal

The APPG’s definition of ‘Islamophobia’ is a triumph for fundamentalists

Open Letter to Home Secretary Sajid Javid: APPG Islamophobia Definition Threatens Civil Liberties

We Call on the British Government to Stop Pushing Minority Women Towards Religious Courts

Sharia Laws are part of the extremist threat and not a solution

Sharia ‘Courts’: Why Regulation is Not the Answer

Gender segregation is humiliating and damaging

Court of Appeal finds gender segregation can amount to unlawful sex discrimination

Manea, Elham, Women and Shari’a Law: The Impact of Legal Pluralism in the UK, I B Tauris

Sharia courts review branded a ‘whitewash’ over appointment ‘bias’ concerns, Independent

Sharia law in UK: family counseling or women abuse?, RT

Do Sharia councils discriminate against women?, BBC Radio 4 World at One

UK sharia courts condone forced marriage and ignore violence against women, Double Bind

Sharia courts in the UK should be stopped from presiding over divorces, campaigners warn, Independent

Britain must ban Islamic sharia courts, say activists, The Nation

Report on International Conference on Religious-Right, Secularism and Civil RightsSecular World

Sharia law, apostasy and secularism, Open Democracy

Sharia law versus secular democracy, Huffington Post

Sharia law is incompatible with Human Rights, Fitnah

Law Society backs down on Sharia wills, The Times

Shariafication by Stealth, Pragna Patel, Open Democracy

Child abuse policy at school run by Muslim hardliner was based on sharia:  Islamic scholars were to be consulted in welfare cases, Mail on Sunday

Conquering Fear with Hope, Gita Sahgal, Open Democracy

Promoting the global secular alternative in the ISIS era, Karima Bennoune’s interview with Marieme Helie Lucas and Maryam Namazie. Open Democracy

Muslim Women Deserve Better than Sharia Law, Standpoint Magazine

Separate is never equal, Open Magazine

Should secular universities in the UK allow for Muslim segregation? Deutch Welle Radio

Muslim gender segregation stirs UK debate, Al Jazeera

University Challenge: secular neutrality or religious privilege? Open Democracy

Student and women’s groups write open letter to UN condemning gender segregation in UK universities, The Independent

Religion and democracy: never the twain, The Times

On sex segregation, BBC World Service

Gender segregation guidelines u-turn following PM warning, Channel 4 News

Universities pull back from sex segregation as Cameron weighs in, Daily Telegraph

On the niqab, Community Channel

Sexual apartheid: Is there any room for gender segregation, This Week

A future labour government will ‘not tolerate’ gender segregation at our universities, Left Foot Forward

Outcry at ‘gender apartheid’ in new guidance for UK universities, The Independent

University gender segregation ‘violation of women’s freedom’, BBC

Backlash grows over university gender segregation guidelines, Daily Telegraph

Gender Apartheid is real in UK universities so why aren’t more people fighting it? Daily Telegraph

‘We will fight them like the suffragettes’: Protesters target Universities UK over sex segregation policy, Politics

The segregation of women and the appeasement of bigotry at UK’s universities, The Spectator

Sex apartheid in British universities deemed acceptable, Voice of Russia

Gender Segregation protests against university guidelines, Channel 4 News

Why we are protesting against gender segregation this evening, Left Foot Forward

Sex segregation at university debates is not okay, Care2

Sharia councils: unjust, unequal and consequence of failed policies, Left Foot Forward

Secrets Of Britain’s Sharia Councils, BBC Panorama

Here’s why Sharia law has no place in Britain or elsewhere, Nahla Mahmoud, NSS Newsline

Sharia law has no place in Britain or anywhere else, Nahla Mahmoud, Left Foot Forward

One Law for All activist Nahla Mahmoud speaks against Sharia Law in Britain, Channel 4thought TV

British government set to battle Sharia courts, Huffington Post

Sex and Sharia: Muslim women punished for failed marriages, The Independent Blogs

Know your rights under the British family law, One Law for All factsheet

What isn’t wrong with Sharia law, Maryam Namazie, Guardian’s Legal Website

Sharia Law in Britain: A Threat to One Law for All and Equal Rights

Human Rights test case call for sharia law, Law Society Gazette

Maryam Namazie on new Sharia report, BBC Breakfast TV

Sharia law or One Law for All, Civitas

One Law for All Seminar on Sharia Law

Muslim leaders’ death threat calls over dress, The Express

Gaza Women denied inheritance rights, Jerusalem Post

Sharia law is proposed, BBC

Some of us had to flee to escape Sharia, Maryam Namazie, Guardian, Another Thought for the Day

Some Imams biased against women, BBC Asian Network

Launch of One Law for All Campaign, House of Lords

Court rules Islamic law discriminatory, The Independent

Sharia law courts operating in Britain, Telegraph

Sharia law ‘could have a UK role,’ BBC

It’s time to take a stand against Islam and Sharia, Times

Sharia Delusions in Canterbury, Mona Eltahawy, Women Living Under Muslim Laws

Williams under fire in Sharia row, BBC

Sharia law in UK is ‘Unavoidable,’ BBC

We want to offer Sharia law, The Telegraph

Opinions Of The Lords Of Appeal For Judgement In The Cause EM (Lebanon) (FC) (Appellant) (FC) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2008] UKHL 64 on appeal from: [2006] EWCA Civ 1531

Islamic Family Arbitration, Justice and Human Rights in Britain, Samia Bano, University of Reading

In the name of the law, The Guardian

Recognizing the Un-Recognized: Inter-Country Cases and Muslim Marriages & Divorces in Britain, WLUML Publications

The Family Statute Law Amendment Act 2005 (Canada)

Annual Report 2003 of the European Court of Human Rights, Council of Europe

Pregnant Nigerian seeks Sharia asylum, BBC

Sharia law

Islamic court condemns author who depicts Jesus as homosexual, The Independent

A review of the Muslim Personal/Family Law Campaign, Canadian Society of Muslims

Arbitration Act 1996 (UK)

Arbitration Act 1991 (Canada

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