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Media Coverage


En global hyllest av blasfemikeren Shabana Rehman: – Når man ler, er man ikke redd!, Human-Etisk Forbund, 30 September 2024

Laicità e femminismo: appunti dopo il seminario ad Altradimora, Noidonne, 17 September 2024

Susturamayacaklar, Politica, 17 September 2024

Remembering Mahsa Amini: The icon of Iranian protests, Albawaba, 16 September 2024

Celebrating Dissent 2024 recap: If you’re Ex-Muslim, you’re not alone!, Secular Spirit, 16 September 2024

Celebrating Dissent, Civita, 31 August 2024

Skeive fritenkere kommer til Oslo, Blikk, 30 August 2024

Oslo Celebrating Dissent, TPQ, 30 August 2024

Klar for en global feiring av menneskerettigheter og frihet, Human-Etisk Forbund, 21 August 2024

Global eksmuslim-konferanse i Oslo skal hylle Shabana, Utrop, 21 August 2024

Ep. 526: The importance of dissent, Liberal Halftime, 16 August 2024

LAICITÀ E FEMMINISMO, La Bottega del Barbieri, 14 August 2024

Body of Art: Activism and the Right to Blaspheme, A Further Inquiry, 6 August 2024

Fearless Voices, Faithless Hijabi, 29 June 2024

Celebrating dissent – konferens i Osol, 2024, Humanisten, 25 June 2024

From London to Los Angeles, many Iranians overseas cheer, and fear, after president’s death, AP 22 May 2024

The world is getting its first Sikh court in London. That’s a threat to women’s rights, Guardian Comment is Free, 31 May 2024

From London to Los Angeles, many Iranians overseas cheer, and fear, after president’s death, AP 22 May 2024

Joint Statement on the The Sikh Court, 20 May 2024

Iran President dies in crash, LBC, 20 May 2024

Islamic charity trustee compares women without hijabs to ‘unwrapped sweets, Telegraph, 12 May 2024

15/05/24 : Séance de rattrapage pour “Laïques de tous les pays, unissez-vous !” Journal de la FM, 7 May 2024

Iran’s tentacles around Britain: Kidnap fears, murder plots and rape threats, iNews, 20 April 2024

Québec, Belgique, Grande-Bretagne : quand la laïcité s’exporte, Charlie Hedo, 13 March 2024

Labour’s Islamic blasphemy law, Spiked, 26 February 2024

Maryam Namazie speaks to CFI podcast on The Paris Appeal, 24 February 2024

Home Office humiliation after it is mocked for marking World Hijab Day, Express, 10 February 2024

Hidžab: nametanje ili izbor? Slučajevi Mahse Amini, Fairouz Mouradi i Armite Geravand, Rijeka Danas, 2 February 2024

World Hijab Day, can an instrument of repression become a symbol of pride? Italian Post, 1 February 2024

World Hijab Day, uno strumento di repressione può diventare simbolo di orgoglio? Sky Italy, 1 February 2024


Iran: Unica Soluzione, rivoluzione, Psiche, Issue 2/2023

Laïques sans frontières : pour une loi de 1905 universelle, Charlie Hebdo, 11 December 2023

“Nous affirmons que la séparation des religions et de l’État protège les droits de toutes et tous”, Marianne, 11 December 2023

Entretien. « Nous, laïques, athées et apostats, sommes la majorité ! » Charlie Hebdo Interview with Maryam Namazie and Nadia El Fani, 6 December 2023

Where’s the solidarity with women of Iran? The Times, 30 October 2023

Conférence internationale, Agenda Militant, 30 October 2023

Art programme at the World Humanist Congress 2023, Humanisten, 8 October 2023

On Narges Mohammadi Nobel Peace Prize, LBC interview with Maryam Namazie, 6 October 2023

Part 2, on Woman, Life, Freedom Revolution in Iran, Maryam Namazie’s Interview on WBAI Joy of Resistance, 5 October 2023

On Armita Geravand, Interview with Maryam Namazie, DW Jaafar Talks, 5 October 2023

Open letter from International Initiative Justice for Nagihan Akarsel, JinhaAgency, 2 October 2023

Part 1, On Council of Ex-Muslims and One Law for All, Maryam Namazie’s Interview on WBAI Joy of Resistance, 21 September 2023

Sing4Freedom, AP, 16 September 2023

Activists in Europe mark the anniversary of Mahsa Amini’s death in police custody in Iran, AP, 16 September 2023
Also on ABC News, Toronto StarKDH News, NewslooksCP24, Euronews, National Post,  NewsjaxTaiwan News, VOA amongst others.

Maryam Namazie interview with Steve Holden, LBC Radio A section of the interview can be found here at 1:50:03, 16 September 2023

L’iran e le proteste: il sacrificio dei giovani e la vergogna dell’Occidente, Avennire, 15 September 2023

Petition: Stop Denmark’s New Blasphemy Ban, The Future of Free Speech, 15 September 2023

Conversations on the Art of Resistance (1): Thinking Freely, Well, GMP, 16 August 2023

La policía moral iraní aumenta la represión hacia las mujeres, Agencia Atlas, 11 August 2023

‘Un voile sur le monde’: over de islamitische hoofddoek, Doorbraak, 7 August 2023

Theocracy, a Few Strands of Hair, and Iran’s Democratic Future, Shuddhashar (free voice) Belief Issue, August 2023

Iran’s Democratic Futures, Feminist Dissent, 8 May 2023

Primo maggio di rivoluzione in Iran, anche fra i lavoratori, MicroMega, 1 May 2023

Dance for Freedom – supporting women in Iran, 30 April 2023

Yazar Namazie: İran yol ayrımında, MA, 22 April 2023

“Donna. Vita. Libertà”. Cartoline per l’Iran, Informatore, 25 March 2023

Maryam Namazie and Susanna McIntyre on Woman’s Revolution in Iran, Atheists Assemble, Faithless Hijabi fundraiser, 25 March 2023

The shameful story of Britain’s backdoor blasphemy laws, Spiked, 12 March 2023

“Donna, vita, libertà”: per un 8 marzo di lotta e sorellanza, Emilia Romagna News, 9 March 2023

Open Letter: Countries Must Recognize Crime of Gender Apartheid, 8 March 2023

End Sex Apartheid Today

Woke Capitalism, RadFem Italia, 8 March 2023

Donne Iraniane, L’Arma Del Foulard, Italia Report, 7 March 2023

Nuova Tappa di close the gap per mahsa e le Altre, Redazione, 2 March 2023

Kurdish Feminist Revolution, New Internationalist, 20 February 2023

Unveiled and Unbroken, Woman’s Revolution in Iran, Queer Majority, 18 February 2023

Londra’da ‘jın jiyan azadi’ Eylemleriyle Dayanışma Etkinliği, Elif Tabak ile Britanya Güncesi Can Tv’de, CAN TV, 4 February 2023

International secularist spotlights Iran, FFRF TV, 2 February 2023

Videos of women taking off hijab on ‘World Hijab Day’ goes viral, Times of India, 2 February 2023

Iranian topless body riot feminist protest, Trafalgar Square, London, Newsflare, 1 February 2023

Mahsa Amini protesters go topless to reject World Hijab Day in London, Newsflare, 1 February 2023

  • Maryam Namazie says: How dare you celebrate World Hijab Day when so many women being killed for improper veiling.

Imago Images, Topless Protest, 1 February 2023

Body Riot, RexFeatures, 1 February 2023

Le donne in rivolta contro il velo nella Giornata Internazionale dell’Hijab, MicroMega, 31 January 2023

Uluslararası kadın örgütlerinden İranlı kadınlara destek: Jın, Jiyan, Azadi-VİDEO, Pirha, 30 January 2023

Ιράν: Υποστηρίζουμε την εξέγερση “Γυναίκα, Ζωή, Ελευθερία” – Όχι στις εκτελέσεις ! Διεθνής καμπάνια υπογραφών, Ela Liberta, 29 January 2023

Londoners prepares for Women, Life, Freedom event, Londra Gazete, 26 January 2023

Jin Jiyan Azadi: An event in London in solidarity with women in Iran and Rojhilat, ANF, 23 January 2023

Kadınlar Londra’da ‘Jin, jiyan, azadî’ etkinliğinde buluşacak, Pirha, 22 January 2023

Iran: Support for the “Woman, Life, Freedom” Uprising – No to Executions !, Europe Solidaire Sans Frontières, 20 January 2023

Iran executes Iranian dual-national, LBC, 14 January 2023

“L’Occidente è complice, non aiuterà le donne iraniane a liberarsi del regime”, MicroMega, 12 January 2023

Fears grow for Iranian atheist Soheil Arabi, NSS, 11 January 2023

FFRF, 40 groups demand release of Soheil Arabi, FFRF, 9 January 2023

‘Death to Khamenei’ Posts Don’t Violate Policies, Meta Oversight Board Declares, Gizmodo, 9 January 2023

More Than Protest: The Women, Life, Freedom Revolution in Iran, VOD English, 4 January 2023

Sign onto the Woman, Life, Freedom Charter, Lankan News, 4 January 2023


Welkom bij het Vrij Links jaaroverzicht! Vrij Links, 31 December 2022

2023 : Proclamons à nouveau notre attachement à l’Humanisme, à l’universalité des Lumières, aux valeurs républicaines, Comité Laïcité République, 30 December 2022

Humanists and the Fight for Justice in Iran, Being Human, Winter Issue

#WomenLifeFreedom : Revolt and Revolution in Iran, The Thinking Atheist, 27 December 2022

Londra’da İran’da süren protestolara destek eylemi devam ediyor-VİDEO, Pirha, 18 December 2022

Gallery: Best photos from around the world, Whatsnewtoday, 18 December 2022

Best photos from around the world, Sydney Morning Herald, 18 December 2022

Iran actress arrested after voicing support for protests, US News, 18 December 2022

Other photos from London protest against executions, 17 December 2022

Photos at Imago Images

Also here at Imago Images

Photos at Zuma Press

Photos at Getty Images

Videos at Getty Images

Iran actress arrested after voicing support for protests, US News, 17 December 2022

Iran arrests lead actress from of 2016’s Oscar-winning film The Salesman after she supported growing anti-regime protests, Daily Mail, 17 December 2022

London Protests against Executions, Imago Photos, 17 December 2022

Protest Dance against Executions in Iran, Lankan News, 16 December 2022

#MahsaAmini murder: Demand to immediately expel Iran’s Islamic regime from UNCSW, Counterview, 15 December 2022

Futbolista Amir Nasr-Azadani enfrenta ejecución por protestar en Irán, TV Azteca, 13 December 2022

Die iranischen Frauen und der ‘Westen’, Demokratischer Salon, 9 December 2022

UK says ‘outraged’ by protester’s execution in Iran, Saw Beirut, 8 December 2022

Morality Police: Five Iranian women explain what is really happening, Popaganda, 7 December 2022

Iranian city shops shut after strike call, judiciary blames ‘rioters’, Bangladesh News, 5 December 2022

BERICHTE ÜBER AUFLÖSUNG DER SITTEN-POLIZEI IM IRAN, Freiheit oder Falle? Bild, 5 December 2022

Iran: the dissolution of the morality police seen as a manoeuvre to “calm” the demonstrators, MidEast Eye, 4 December 2022

Conservative women join Iran protests for Amini, Saw Beirut, 3 December 2022

Esce il n. 6/2022 della rivista Nessun Dogma: cambiano le stagioni in Iran, Italia e non solo, UAAR, 2 December 2022

Apostasy is a Human Right, Maryam Namazie erhält den IBKA-Preis Sapio, Miz, December 2022

On Censoring TedX talk, Feminist Dissent, No 6 (2022)

Open letter calls for investigation into alleged use of chemical weapons by Turkey, Jinha Agency, 30 November 2022

Plus de 300 morts en Iran depuis le début des contestations, Paris Match, 29 November 2022

Niece of Supreme Leader Khameni asks world to cut ties with Iran, Tribune India, 28 November 2022

One Law for All and FiLiA led #Hair4Freedom solidarity action with women’s revolution in Iran received widespread coverage, including: on Daily Telegraph Australia, VOA, ABC News, Cyprus Mail, Alein Farsi, Independent Persian, Kayhan London, VOA 365, Sri Lanka News, Yahoo, Reuters, Imago images, Alamy Images and others, 27-28 November 2022

Hair4Freedom, Independent Persian, 27 November 2022

کوتاه کردن مو در مرکز لندن در حمایت از حقوق زنان در ایران, #العین_فارسی, AIA in Persian, 27 November 2022

VIDEO: Dozens of activists in London cut their hair in support of women’s rights in Iran, ABC News, 27 November 2022

لندن: همبستگی با زنان ایران در روز جهانی مبارزه با خشونت علیه زنان, Kayhan London, 27 November 2022

Niece of Iran’s Supreme Leader urges world to cut ties with Tehran over unrest, Cyprus Mail, 27 November 2022

Maryam Namazie on the women’s revolution in Iran, Feminist Current, 27 November 2022

گالری عکس | تجمع اعتراضی زنان ایرانی در لندن با شعار «گیسو برای آزادی», Photo gallery of #Hair4Freedom, VOA, 26 November 2022

Activists shave heads at London rally for women’s rights in Iran, Reuters, 26 November 2022

The heroic people of Iran are teaching the west a song too many of us have forgotten, The Guardian, 26 November 2022

Join One Law for All and FILIA in mass-haircutting, Lanka News, 24 November 2022

Defending Secularism is the task of the Left, first published in Spanish and Catalan in An Inclusive Secularism for a Diverse Society, Ferrer Guàrdia Report, 23 November 2022. English can be found here.

Helfen deutsche Instagram-Mitarbeiter den Mullahs?, Bild, 23 November 2022

Is the Corrupt World Cup Just PR for Qatar? | The Table, Byline TV, 21 November 2022

Iran’s World Cup fans fear ‘thousands of spies’: Why England’s opening match in Qatar is much more than a game, i, 19 November 2022

Maryam Namazie’s interview on women’s revolution in Iran, Byline TV, 18 November 2022

Charity Commission launches probe into mosque that hosted hardline Iranian cleric, The JC, 17 November 2022

Iran Protests with Andrew Marr and Maryam Namazie, LBC, 16 November 2022

We need to talk about Iran, Medium, 16 November 2022

Salman Rushdie and the Women’s Revolution in Iran are Linked, NSS Blog, 8 November 2022

Les Français Défilent En Solidarité Avec L’Iran, Actusduweb, 3 November 2022

Apostasie : avec les dégoûtés de l’islam, Charlie Hebdo, 2 November 2022

Solidarität mit dem Protest gegen die Mullah-Diktatur! IBKA, 3 November 2022

London Protesters Form Human Chain in Support of Women’s Rights in Iran, Daily Telegraph, 1 November 2022

Mahsa Amini: London protesters show support for ‘women’s revolution’ in Iran, Evening Standard, 30 October 2022

Mahsa Amini: London protesters show support for ‘women’s revolution’ in Iran, The Independent, 30 October 2022

People in France march in Iran solidarity, Connexion, 30 October 2022

‘Kill us if you dare’, Iran protests continue, DW Arabic, 27 October 2022

Maryam Namazie’s interview with Carole Walker on Iran revolution, Time Radio, 27 October 2022

The Power of Protest, Freethought Radio, 27 October 2022

«مریم نمازی» میگه، خوب است بیاموزید که پرچم تابو یا مقدس نیست. انسان مقدسه…! Balatarin, 27 October 2022

Al menos 15 muertos tras un atentado del Estado Islámico contra un santuario chiíta en Irán, La Voz, 27 October 2022

Žene predvode novu revoluciju u Iranu, Maz, 25 October 2022

«Bisogna passare da una politica identitaria a una politica di solidarietà», UAAR, 23 October 2022

Frauen demonstrieren barbusig gegen Muezzin-Ruf, HpD, 17 October 2022

Maryam Namazie and Nuriyah Khan Protest At Trafalgar Square, Sunday Scoop, 16 October 2022

Interview with Maryam Namazie on topless protest at Cologne mosque, DW Persian, 14 October 2022

Why secularism matters, Workers Liberty, 11 October 2022

Celebrare il dissenso, Nessun Dogma, 9 October 2022

Interview with Maryam Namazie, Times Radio’s Sunday Morning, 9 October 2022

Solidarietà alle donne iraniane, Lecodelsud, 7 October 2022

“Wir wollen keine islamische Republik”, HpD, 7 October 2022

Maryam Namazie on Iran’s women’s revolution, Talk TV, 6 October 2022

The Islamic regime will end with a woman’s revolution, DW Arabic, 4 October 2022

Popular Protest Singer Released on Bail, Iran Wire, 4 October 2022

“Baraye” è l’inno delle proteste in Iran: canta il sogno di libertà, La Stampa, 4 October 2022

Popular Protest Singer Shervin Hajipour Arrested, Iran Wire, 30 September 2022

Join October 1 protests, Lankan News, 29 September 2022

Iranian Women’s Revolt, the Left and Liberals, Socialist Democracy, 28 September 2022

Iran : les femmes disent merde aux mollahs, Charlie Hebdo, 28 September 2022

‘This is a woman’s revolution in the making’: how the death of Mahsa Amini in Iran sparked worldwide protest, Metro, 27 September 2022

Che cosa ci dice il sacrificio delle donne iraniane, MicroMedia, 27 September 2022

Maryam Namazie Explains What’s Been Happening in Iran? Sunday Scoop with Harris and Sultan, 26 September 2022

Maryam Namazie with Andrew Castle on LBC Radio on Mahsa Amini and Iran Protests, 25 September 2022

Iran Protesters Gather Outside London Islamic Center, Yahoo News, 26 September 2022

After Mahsa Amini’s Death, It’s Time for Hijab apologists to take a back seat, Sedaa, 25 September 2022

tract de soutien aux femmes iraniennes, Les Obscurs, 22 September 2022

Sesuatu yang Luar Biasa Terjadi di Iran, Warta Ekonomi, 22 September 2022

Proteste im Iran mit mehreren Toten, HpD, 22 September 2022

Maryam Namazie interview with John Pienaar, Times Radio, 21 September 2022

Also see on Youtube

Something extraordinary is happening in Iran, The Spectator, 21 September 2022

Manifestations à travers le pays – y a-t-il une révolution maintenant, New Day France, 21 September 2022

Kommt es jetzt zu einer Revolution im Iran? Bild, 21 September 2022

Irán: Protestas en todo el país: ¿hay una revolución ahora? ESEuro, 21 Septe,ber 2022

Muslims Harass Protest Against Death Penalty for Iranian Lesbians, Atheist Republic, 20 September 2022

تجمع در کلن علیه حکم اعدام دو فعال حقوق همجنسگرایان در ایران, DW Persian, 12 September 2022

94 Le corps des femmes (StopVOG / Patriarcats Religieux), La révolution sera féministe, 12 September 2022

Une Manifestation de Soutien Aux Militantes LGBTQ Iraniennes pas au Gout de tous En Allemagne, Vox Atheism, 12 September 2022

Entre les talibans et les Acadiens, les fautifs sont les Acadiens?, AN, 10 September 2022

IBKA verleiht “Sapio” an Maryam Namazie, HpD, 9 September 2022

“Es ist einfach zu sehen, warum die Menschen dachten, dass es einen Schöpfer geben muss“, HpD, 6 September 2022

CD2022: Ex-Muslims Standing up for Salman Rushdie and Against Obscurantism, Lanka News, 4 September 2022

Ex-Muslims, atheists, freethinkers celebrate dissent, seek Dec 20 World Secularism Day, Counterview, 3 September 2022

Laicità: un concetto fantasma nei programmi elettorali, MicroMega, 31 August 2022

Rassemblement international d’athées et de libres-penseurs : “Ne parlez surtout pas d’« islamophobie » à ces ex-­muslims,” CLR, 30 August 2022

Maryam Namazie: “The Islamists are afraid of us”, Trend Detail, 25 August 2022

Cologne : les mécréants célèbrent Salman Rushdie et préparent l’avenir, Charlie Hebdo, 24 August 2022

Maryam Namazie : « Les islamistes ont peur de nous », Charlie Hebdo, 24 August 2022

Portraits d’athées : « Pour vivre libre, j’ai dû fuir mon pays », Charlie Hebdo, 24 August 2022

Säkularismus: Eine Freiheitsgarantie für alle, HPD, 24 August 2022

»Die Fundamentalisten werden uns nicht aufhalten!« Ex-Muslime aus aller Welt demonstrierten in Köln für Salman Rushdie, GBS, 23 August 2022

“Du kannst die Blumen stutzen, aber du kannst den Frühling nicht aufhalten!, HPD, 23 August 2023

Sortir de l’islam, mais à quel prix ?, Le Point, 23 August 2022

Leaving Islam, but at what cost?, Detail News, 23 August 2022

Abandonar el Islam, pero ¿a qué precio? , Trend News Spanish, 23 August 2022

Darum haben sie den Islam verlassen, Celebrating Dissent 2022“ in Köln, Bild, 22 August 2022

“Celebrating Dissent 2022” – Ex-Muslims report: That’s why they left Islam, Detail Zero, 22 August 2022

Größte Versammlung von Ex-Muslimen – deshalb haben sie den Islam verlassen, The World News, 22 August 2022

“Celebrando la disidencia 2022” – Informe de exmusulmanes: Por eso abandonaron el Islam , News ES Euro, 22 August 2022

“Merayakan Perbedaan Pendapat 2022” – Laporan Mantan Muslim: Inilah Alasan Mereka Meninggalkan Islam, Samosir News, 22 August 2022

“Célébrer la dissidence 2022” – Rapport d’ex-musulmans : c’est pourquoi ils ont quitté l’islam, News Day FR, 22 August 2022

عريضة بالفرنسية تندد بـ”عمل بربري” وتتضامن مع سلمان رشدي “فولتير العصر الحديث”

Rushdie : des intellectuels européens soutiennent “l’un des exemples les plus courageux” de la lutte contre le “totalitarisme”, RTBF, 14 August 2022

Pour Salman Rushdie: Liberté, humanisme, tolérance!, Le Temps, 14 August 2022

Orrore cancel culture: arriva la “black list” degli autori “pericolosi”, altaterradilavoro, 14 August 2022

Interview with Maryam Namazie on Celebrating Dissent 2022, Freethought Radio, 16 June 2022

The Lady of Heaven: How a movie on Fathima has exposed Islam’s Shia-Sunni conflict again as theatres in UK surrender before threats, OpIndia, 9 June 2022

FiLiA discusses Nazanin on BBC’s Women’s Hour, FiLiA, 26 May 2022

State-Enforced Starvation: Moroccans Arrested for Eating During Ramadan, Atheist Republic, 29 April 2022

Nazanin Is Free, FiLiA, 17 March 2022

‘The best way to combat bad speech is with good speech’ – interview with Maryam Namazie, The Freethinker, 12 March 2022

Liberté pour l’Ukraine! A la résistance du peuple ukrainien, Tageblatt, 28 February 2022

Under The Guise Of Religion, Outlook, 4 February 2022

“World Hijab Day”: una vita da modeste, MicroMega, 1 February 2022

Young Muslim woman raped and her children kidnapped by violent husband after trying to obtain divorce through ‘sharia courts’, Carmon Report, 30 January 2022


Women fast in support of Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe, National News, 20 December 2021

UK Women Stage Global Fast To Call On Govt To Secure Freedom Of Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliff, Republic World, 20 December 2021

Press Briefing: FiLiA Solidarity Action #FreeNazanin, FiLiA, 20 December 2021

Activism is the rent we pay to live on this planet – Our tribute to Pragna Patel, SBS, 17 November 2021


Carte blanche: liberté, dignité et fraternité pour l’Afghanistan, Le Soir, 28 August 2021

Women Against Taliban, Frauen gegen Taliban, Hpd, 25 August 2021

Announcing the first publication from Humanist Canada Press: This World First by Marc Schaus, Humanist Canada, 11 August 2021

Women married in faith ceremonies need better protection, New Humanist, 10 June 2021

Worthy, A Poem Inspired by an Interview with Maryam Namazie, 5CallyRoad, 15 June 2021

The radical feminist campaigner who has ‘nothing left to lose’, The Critic, 8 March 2021

Prey, review by Maryam Namazie, Evening Standard, 27 February 2021

Interview with Maryam Namazie, Humanistically Speaking, 25 February 2021

In Defence of French Secularism: Maryam Namazie | Opinion, Byline TV, 16 February 2021

Maryam Namazie, Human Rights Activist, Meenal’s World, 6 February 2021

SBS and women’s organisations are alarmed by Government’s dual strategy on VAWG, 12 January 2021

Free Speech Wars On Campus: My Experience, Res Publica, 1 January 2021


A THIRD of British universities are in a free-speech crisis. Is ‘freedom’ just another word now? RT, 17 December 2020

Maryam Namazie: Muslims are the primary victims of Islamism, sister-hood, 4 November 2020

“The right to criticize Islam is crucial for us atheists of Muslim culture,” SIAWI, 2 November 2020

“Le droit de critiquer l’islam est crucial pour nous athées de culture musulmane”, L’Express, 1 November 2020

Full Audio – Maryam Namazie, The Origins Podcast, 30 October 2020

Interview with Maryam Namazie on harassment at her Goldsmiths University Lecture, Origins Podcast Clip, 29 October 2020

Nina Sankari: Bez uwolnienia Polski od opresji religijnej nie będzie tu wolności i demokracji, Wyborcza, 27 October 2020

Non dimentichiamo Samuel Paty, MicroMega, 20 October 2020

Fundamentalism, the antidote is the knowledge of voices. Especially that of lay women, News Current, 19 October 2020

Fondamentalismo, l’antidoto è la conoscenza delle voci. Soprattutto quella delle donne laiche, il Fatto Quotidiano, 19 October 2020

Support voor Charlie Hebdo. ‘Wij zijn niet beledigd’, Vrij Links, 25 September 2020

Caricatures de Mahomet : Paroles de musulmans non offensés, Charlie Hebdo, 16 September 2020

Judicial murder of Iranian wrestler, Pink Triangle Trust joins chorus of condemnation, 15 September 2020

UK: All religious marriages must be registered to protect women, Lahore International, 4 September 2020

Getting Married, A Consultation, Law Commission, 3 September 2020

First ‘Apostasy Day’ defends the right to leave religion, NSS, 28 August 2020

‘Apostasy Day’: il libero pensiero è in pericolo anche in Europa?, MicroMega, 24 August 2020

All religious marriages must be registered to protect women from abuse and discrimination, report warns, The Independent, 11 August 2020

You are not allowed to speak, The Article, 24 July 2020

The Threat to Civil Liberties Goes Way Beyond “Cancel Culture”, Jacobin Magazine, 12 July 2020

Conflating face masks with burqas is an an act of cultural assassination, sister-hood, 1 July 2020

Interview with Maryam Namazie, Hardy Haberland Show #285, 5 June 2020

Brief von Frauen aus 20 Ländern an kurdische Parteien, AFN, 21 May 2020

Ep 26 Podcast on Hindutva with Gita Sahgal, NSS podcast, 20 May 2020

Women’s Day, Celebration, Power Trending, Baaz, 8 March 2020

The Cowardice of No Platforming, The Spectator, 6 March 2020

Solidarity With Organisation Of Women’s Freedom In Iraq, Culture Project, 28 February 2020

«L’Europe doit être une terre d’accueil pour Julian Assange», Le Soir, 26 February 2020

Sharia and “non-marriage” in the UK, sister-hood, 26 February 2020

Judges reject bid to make Islamic marriages legally binding, The Independent, 14 February 2020

A British Court of Appeal ruling that disregards the accounts of many minority women, Counterview, 14 February 2020

Donne, islam e sport: quando l’elogio della “diversità” sacrifica le donne (Women, Islam and sport: when the praise of “diversity” sacrifices women), MicroMega, 11 February 2020

CWJ : Emma Humphrey’s Awards – Awards Cut, 5 February 2020

“On The Side Of Those Who Fight For Freedom,” Centre for Women’s Justice, January 16, 2020



British women ‘being forced into polygamous relationships’ because law lets them down, campaigners say, The Independent, 25 November 2019

Does religion have a privileged status in the UK? CNN, 20 November 2019

S2 E9: Maryam Namazie- Apostasy, Blasphemy, Dissent, Islam, and Dancing, The Pondering Primates Podcast, 18 November 2019

Kvinnetungt møte om islam og religionskritikk, Fri Tanke, 8 November 2019

Statement by MENA Socialist Feminists and Allies on the Popular Uprisings in the Region, 8 November 2019

Sharia law in Britain shows women are traumatised and humiliated in a system weighted against them, Counterview, 7 November 2019

Women and Islamophobia, FiLiA Magazine, 29 October 2019

Women Defend Rojava, 22 October 2019

Undergraduate students may be required to sign free speech contracts, The Boar, 13 October 2019

Calls to ‘Free Nazanin’ increase after Iran releases jailed British national’s daughter, Daily Dot, 11 October 2019

Appel des intellectuels à l’arrêt de l’offensive militaire turque contre les Kurdes de Syrie, Le Soir, 11 October 2019

2019 Shortlist Announced, Emma Humphreys Memorial Prize, 3 October 2019

Celebrating Dissent, CFI, 25 September 2019

Richard Dawkins on …no‑platforming and someone new in his life, The Times, 16 September 2019

Celebrating Dissent festival, Humanistisch Verbond, 11 September 2019

Stand with the witches, heretics and blasphemers, Interview with Maryam Namazie, sister-hood, 10 September 2019

No Longer Without You Review, sister-hood, 10 September 2019

Celebrating Dissent – reflections after the festival, Humanisterna, 7 September 2019

Rishvin Ismath on the ISIS-attack on his life, turning away from religion and the great personal cost of his activism, Art 19, 6 September 2019

What’s going on at Goldsmiths? Evening Standard, 5 September 2019

“Lasst uns die Geschlechter-Apartheid im Iran ein für alle Mal beenden!” HPD, 5 September 2019

Women at the front, sister-hood, 4 September 2019

Celebrating Dissent Event Coverage, Amber Journals, 3 September 2019

Celebrating Dissent Festival at De Balie in Amsterdam, Arts Magazine, 2 September 2019

Amsterdam Mayor Femke Halsema opens Celebrating Dissent, De Balie, 1 September 2019

Zineb El Rhazoui s’en prend au gouvernement hollandaise, Morokino, 1 September 2019

Garantstelling voor sprekers is censuur van De Balie, NRC, 30 August 2019

Islamcriticus Zineb El Rhazoui niet naar De Balie want gewapende beveiligers mogen NL niet in, The Post Online, 30 August 2019

Charlie Hebdo-redacteur niet naar De Balie vanwege gewapende beveiliging, AT5, 30 August 2019

Oud-Charlie Hebdo-journalist zegt Amsterdams debat af om beveiliging, NOS, 30 August 2019

Islam-critica Zineb El Rhazoui onderweg naar Balie, NL weigert wapenvergunning Franse agent, Geenstijl, 30 August 2019

Zineb El Rhazoui denied access to the Netherlands, De Balie, 30 August 2019

“Freedom demands effort,” Interview with Nadia El Fani, sister-hood, 29 August 2019

Shabana Rehman: Do I want to be scared to death or laugh to death, De Balie 29 August 2019

Directeur De Balie boos op IND vanwege strenge visumeisen voor ex-moslima’s: ‘Dit is gewoon censuur’, WLN, 29 August 2019

Streetart in de Beurs van Berlage en muziek in het VondelparkParool, 29 Aug 2019

Directeur De Balie boos op IND vanwege strenge eisen voor gastsprekers: ‘Dit is een vorm van censuur’, EenVandaag, 27 August 2019

Inna Shevchenko: Religion is simply one idea among many others, De Balie, 26 August 2019

Deze vrouwen vertellen waarom ze zich niets in Gods naam, Trouw, 24 August 2019

Gita Sahgal on the danger of theocracy, De Balie, 23 August 2019

Maryam Namazie on Islam, Tommy Robinson and Grooming Gangs, Triggernometry, 11 August 2019

Islam is not a religion of Peace, Maryam Namazie interview with Triggernometry, 11 August 2019

Interview with Sikivu Hutchinson – Creator, Women’s Leadership Project, Canadian Atheist, 29 July 2019

Interview: No religion promotes an inclusive society, Sri Lankan Guardian, 1 July 2019

Must take an unequivocal stand against all forms of hate, Sri Lankan FT, 1 July 2019

FiLiA meets: Maryam Namazie, Podcast, 30 June 2019

Defining Islamophobia, sister-hood, 19 June 2019

Iran and the UN Women’s Rights Committee, FiLiA, 25 March 2019

Maryam Namazie: ‘Fundamentalisme is extreemrechts met andere kleren aan’, Vrij Links, 20 March 2019 English: Fundamentalism and White Nationalism: The Same just wearing different clothes

ٍEuropean Parliament Motion on Academic Freedom and Freedom of Expression, 12 March 2019

De Balie Welcomes Modern Icons, De Balie, 5 March 2019

Interview with Shelley Segal, Vent, 4 March 2019

Pour un 8 mars féministe universaliste! Liberation, 3 March 2019

Convention speech — Mohammed Al Khadra: Open dialogue the key to religious freedom, Freethought Today, 2 March 2019

Women who fought for Salman Rushdie, Live Mint, 21 February 2019

Faith, Freedom and Fatwas: The Rushdie Affair 30 Years On, The National Student, 14 February 2019

Maryam Namazie – Exploring religious freedom episode 03, NSS Podcast, 11 February 2019

In Turkije kennen ze de gevaren van de politieke islam wel, AD, 11 February 2019

In Inghilterra la “polizia del pensiero” caccia un Hitchens dall’università, Il Foglio, 9 February 2019

‘We moeten niet toelaten dat imams ons onderdrukken,‘ De Nieuwe Maan, 9 February 2019

Vrije wil voor een hoofddoek hypocriet? De Nieuwe Maan, 8 February 2019

Kunnen islam en feminisme samengaan? De Nieuwe Maan, 8 February 2019

Spelen islamcritici extreemrechts in de kaart? De Nieuwe Maan, 7 February 2019

‘Kritiek op islam wordt gezien als aanval op moslims, dat is niet zo,’ De Nieuwe Maan, 7 February 2019

‘Islam afzweren zonder voor m’n eigen leven te vrezen,’ De Nieuwe Maan, 6 February 2019

Hoe kan vrouwenbesnijdenis bestreden worden? De Nieuwe Maan, 6 February 2019

Witte mannen steunen ex-moslims. So. Fucking. What!? Vrij Links, 1 February 2019

MONICA LANFRANCO – Parità di genere, velo e spazio pubblico, MicroMega, 31 January 2019

De Vrijheidslezing: Maryam Namazie, De Balie, 30 January 2019

Britain’s honour crime shame, Unherd, 14 January 2019

Amina Lone: Denying women liberty and life is Islamophobic, The Times, 12 January 2019

11 Great Things to do in January, Dutch News, 1 January 2019


Conference held for universal rights and secularism in London, British Bangla News, 9 December 2018

Świecka Konferencja w Londynie/London Secular Conference 2018, Fundacja im. Kazimierza Łyszczyńskiego, 2 December 2018

A Landmark Conference for Universal Rights and Secularism, Scoop World, 1 December 2018

Secularism a “precondition” for women’s, minority rights: Speakers at London meet, Counterview, 1 December 2018

Asia Bibi: Lawyer defies death threats over Christian’s case, Law Gazette, 27 November 2018

کیهان لندن – کنفرانس «شریعت، جداسازی و سکولاریسم» در لندن برگزار شد

British activists examine Shariah law, Pakistan’s Asia Bibi case, Deutsche Welle, 26 November 2018

Staši Zajović nagrada za sekularizam i ženska prava, Danas, 23 November 2018

Why So Afraid of Secularism? Conatus News, 20 November 2018

Uncomfortable, but educational: Freedom of expression in UK universities, Index on Censorship, November 2018

Blasphemy in Pakistan: calls are multiplying to ask for the reception of Asia Bibi in France, International News, 7 November 2018

Intellectuels et artistes appellent le Président du Pakistan à libérer Asia Bibi, La Libre, 6 November 2018

Libérez Asia Bibi sans attendre!, Le Soir, 5 November 2018

The BBC is wrong: university censorship is definitely not a myth, The Spectator, 26 October 2018

Complacency about sharia is a threat to women’s rights, sister-hood, 18 September 2018

Vision and strategy: on solidarity, multiculturalism, identity politics, Muslims, Islamists and the Western Left, Interview with Maryam Namazie, ESSF, 1 September 2018

NSS backs call for review of role of sharia ‘courts’ in divorce, NSS Newsline, 14 August 2018

L’université contre l’universalisme, Marianne, 4 August 2018

We need solidarity on multiple fronts, Coppieters Foundation, 20 August 2018

323 prominent activists, artistes, academics call for Shahidul’s immediate release, New Age Bangladesh, 11 August 2018

Court of Injustice, The Indian Expression, 30 July 2018

Noura Hussein sentenced to death for killing rapist husband, Egypt Today, 12 May 2018

Many left-wing progressives who protest against the Pope are silent about Islam’s totalitarian tendencies – and the victims of this cowardice are overwhelmingly women, Unherd, 3 April 2018

The Silencing of the Liberals, BBC Radio 4, 5 March 2018

Kritiserer rapport om sharia-lovgivning, Utrop, 13 February 2018

Universities minister Sam Gyimah: further education should be demanding and disorientating — not an echo chamber, Sunday Times, 11 February 2018

The independent review into the application of sharia law in England and Wales, Presented to Parliament by the Secretary of State for the Home Department, February 2018

Iran. Libération de la femme qui avait défié le port du voile et incarné les protestations, Ouest France, 29 January 2018

Jo Johnson asks universities to “open minds, not close them” in Boxing Day speech, The Boar, 28 January 2018

À «Toujours Charlie!», le public troublé par la recomposition des tenants de la laïcité, Slate, 8 January 2018

Liberté d’expression : rencontre avec l’activiste iranienne Maryam Namazie, France Info, 8 January 2018

Siamo ancora Charlie? Sala piena, lo slancio cala, Corriere, 7 January 2018

Retratos das mulheres antes e depois da revolução islâmica alimentam debate no Irã, El Pais, 5 January 2018


NSS: free speech should be promoted as “a positive value” on campus, NSS, 15 December 2017

Maryam Namazie on Ahmad Shamlou, Passages Podcast, 13 December 2017

Website designed to help Muslim men find second wives ‘should be shut down’, says former second bride, Evening Standard, 29 October 2017

100,000 Brits sign up for polygamous dating site helping Muslim men find multiple wives, Newsline, 24 October 2017

Website that helps Muslim men find a second wife in the UK has 100,000 users despite bigamy carrying a sentence of up to seven years in prison, Daily Mail, 23 October 2017

La segregazione di genere è apartheid, MicroMega, 22 October 2017

Interventi di Maryam Namazie, Radio Radicale, 21 October 2017

Weekend read: Is Ofsted’s legal win a seismic step forwards for equality – or a storm in a teacup? TES, 20 October 2017

Gender segregation is humiliating and damaging, The Freethinker, 19 October 2017

Schools chief inspector to meet Muslim campaigners who are calling for a ban on hijabs in state primaries, Daily Mail, 10 September 2017

Politics and religion are a dangerous mix, The Times, 9 September 2017
Politics and religion are a dangerous mix _ Comment _ The Times & The Sunday Times

Hijab has no place in our primary schools, The Times Letter to the Editor, 9 September 2017

Hijabs in schools: James Whale says ‘we’re in danger of going back to the stone age’, Talk Radio, 5 September 2017

Take hijab off uniform lists, primary schools are urged, Times, 4 September 2017

Church of England Schools Stir Controversy for Allowing Islamic Hijab Uniforms for Girls, Christian Post, 4 September 2017

Schoolgirls as young as five-years-old are wearing a Muslim hijab for school uniform in UK, Express, 3 September 2017

Hijab-clad toon in books sparks row, Deccan Chronicle, 16 August 2017

Cartoon accused of ‘sexualising four-year-old Muslim girl’ scrapped after backlash, Mirror, 15 August 2017

The hijab is not for children. It was right to drop these distasteful images, The Guardian, 15 August 2017

TfL pulls child safety campaign that showed young girl in hijab, Metro, 14 August 2017

TfL pulls campaign featuring girl in hijab amid ‘sexualisation’ accusations, Sky News, 14 August 2017

Religion, gender segregation and sex education in schools, The Guardian letters, 11 July 2017

Court lifts ban on naming faith school in segregation case, The Guardian, 10 July 2017

Muslim women reject sexism in fight to be heard, The Times, 24 June 2017

“Glastonbury of Freethinkers”: conference on freedom of conscience and expression, NSS Newsline, 12 June 2017

Islamists want their terrorism to become the new normal, The Freethinker, 7 June 2017

Why do Islamists hate free women? The Times, 27 May 2017

Religion is fundamentally patriarchal and anti-woman, The Freethinker, 25 May 2016

Dozens of speakers to attend major conference on secularism and freedom of expression, NSS Newsline, 2 May 2017

How Rojava-inspired women’s councils have spread across Europe, OpenDemocracy, 28 April 2017

Reforming Islam, Can it be done? The Spectator, 15 April 2017

Islamophobia aids anti-Muslim bigots? Bogus claim used by Islamists to shut down legitimate criticism, First Post, 13 April 2017

Saudi Woman, Detained In Philippines, May Be Killed On Her Return, Carbonated TV, 12 April 2017

A blinkered view of Islamism, says Maryam Namazie, A Book Review on The Enemy Within: A Tale of Muslim Britain by Sayeeda Warsi, Evening Standard, 6 April 2017

Opinion: Secret debate opened up female voices and asked, is Cheltenham seat of Women’s Liberation? Gloucestershire Live, 31 March 2017

“Secularism isn’t about the absence of religion, it’s about the structure of the state”, Interview with Yasmin Rehman, New Humanist, 30 March 2017

Pakistani twitter users call for hanging of ‘blasphemer’, NSS Newsline, 28 March 2017

‘Blasphemy’: Increased Attacks on Freethinkers, Conatus News, 26 March 2017

#WeAreNotAfraid: Londoners unite in wake of Westminster attack, SBS Australia, 23 March 2017

Freedom of Conscience, Interview with Maryam Namazie, Freethought Radio, 23 March 2017

British Universities Seen as Too Liberal, Intolerant, CNS News, 22 March 2017

BBC apologises for ‘what is the right punishment for blasphemy?’ tweet, The Guardian, 19 March 2017

‘What is the Right Punishment for Blasphemy?’ BBC Apologises, Conatus News, 19 March 2017

BBC Asian Network apologises for tweet about blasphemy, BBC, 18 March 2017

Yasmin Rehman named Secularist of the Year 2017, NSS Newsline, 18 March 2017

Stifling the freedom to mock and attack will reduce our universities to irrelevant echo chambers, The Telegraph, 14 March 2017

At Some British Universities, Free Speech Comes at a Price, Huff Post Young Voices, 8 March 2017

Death threats and apologies after teen twerked in a hijab, Newshub, 8 March 2017

The human rights of women and secularism go hand in hand, NSS Newsline, 8 March 2017

“Stupid b***h needs to be killed”: Muslim Girl in Hijab Barraged with Death Threats for Twerking, Conatus News, 8 March 2017

VIRAL VIDEO: Torrent of abuse for hijab-wearing girl twerking in public, Asian Express, 7 March 2017

Twerking Hijab-Girl Gets Death Threats, Branded ‘Sinner’ After ‘Inappropriate’ Dance, Heat Street, 7 March 2017

Vil ha en mer religionskritisk venstreside, Utrop, 16 February 2017

Fra for den ekstreme middelvei, Nettavisen, 16 February 2017

Norsk først, religiøs etterpå, Utrop, 16 February 2017

Maryam Namazie: – Det er enda flere som kjemper imot ekstremistene, Nettavisen, 15 February 2017

43% of universities restrict speech that might “offend” religious people, NSS Newsline, 13 February 2017

More than nine in 10 UK universities restrict free speech on campus, report claims, The Independent, 13 February 2017

Council boss is related to girl in hijab school row, ITV, 9 February 2017

Rompre avec l’Islam (Interview de Maryam Namazie), Revolution Feministe, 29 January 2017

Catholic primary school bans four-year-old Muslim girl from wearing a hijab, Independent, 24 January 2017

Roman Catholic school in Birmingham bans 4-year-old Muslim girl from wearing hijab, sparks row, IBT, 24 January 2017

Catholic primary school bans four-year-old Muslim girl from wearing a hijab, The Independent, 24 January 2017

Catholic school prompts uniform row by banning Muslim girl from wearing a headscarf, Telegraph, 23 January 2017

Not safe, just absurdly soft, The Australian, 17 January 2017

Wie man migrationspolitische Duftmarken setzt, Telepolis, 22 December 2016

Sharia courts pose a growing threat to women’s rights, The Freethinker, 15 December 2016

The Sharia debate in the UK: who will listen to our voices? Open Democracy, 14 December 2016

Sharia courts have no place in UK family law. Listen to women who know, The Guardian, 14 December 2016

Hate preacher ignored pleas of ‘abuse victim’ (Hate preacher ignored pleas of ‘abuse victim’ _ News _ The Times & The Sunday Times), The Times, 11 December 2016

British subjects did not deserve legal equality with their colonial masters, Interview with Marieme Helie Lucas, Sedda, 2 December 2016

Discrimination and violence lie at the heart of Sharia courts, The Freethinker, 29 November 2016

Denounce Those Playing Political Games with Women’s Lives over Sharia and Islamophobia, Community Women’s Blogs, 27 November 2016

Britain’s secular minority women reject as “discriminatory” Home Affairs hearing of those using Shariat arbitration, Counterview, 25 November 2016

Britain has “turned a blind eye” to abuse of women by sharia ‘courts’, NSS Newsline, 23 November 2016

Les tribunaux islamiques sont une atteinte aux droits humains (Maryam Namazie), Révolution Féminist, 20 November 2016

Parlamentoda Şeriat Hukuku ve Adalet Konuşuldu, Londra Gazete, 19 November 2016

Women beaten, robbed and raped. A chilling expose of how BRITISH females are being sentenced to lives of misery by Muslim courts, Daily Mail, 13 November 2016

La Sharia in Europa, MicroMega, 8/2016

British ‘shariah courts’ under scrutiny, AFP, 13 November 2016

One Woman’s Brush with Sharia courts: “It ruined my life forever”, Open Democracy, 7 November 2016

Battles in the basti, Muslim women opposing triple talaq, polygamy face attack, but are fighting back, Indian Express, 7 November 2016

Protecting women’s rights is the priority, but that isn’t the only legitimate concern about sharia, NSS Newsline, 3 November 2016

“La Politique Communautariste et Identitaire est Litteralement en train des nous tuer”, Charlie Hebdo Interview with Maryam Namazie, 2 November 2016

Sharia councils treat Muslim women unfairly, MPs told, BBC, 1 November 2016

Sharia Law through Women’s Eyes, Artefact, 31 October 2016

Sharia-oikeudet ratkovat perhekiistoja Britanniassa, mutta niissä on ongelma: Järjestelmä sortaa naisia, Helsingin Sanomat, 24 October 2016

On sharia courts, BBC Oxford, 21 October 2016 (9-37 minutes)

Blaming the Victim, SIAWI, 17 October 2016

Extended Interview with Maryam Namazie, Conatus News, 10 October 2016

Minorités: Etats des lieux 1/4 Royaume-Uni, Canada: ces multiculturalismes en crise, France Culture, 3 October 2016 (From 33-40)

Des tribunaux islamiques “made in England”, Marianne, 1 October 2016

The Vilification of Controversy on College Campuses, Heat Street, 26 September 2016

Sharia BACKLASH: Campaign against Islamic courts steps up – experts BOYCOTT Gov inquiry, Express, 22 September 2016

Why Academic Freedom Matters, Civitas, September 2016

We need to stop conflating ‘Muslims’ with Islamists, The Freethinker, 29 August 2016

My burkini and me in Brexit-on-Sea, Spectator, 29 August 2016

Sharia Councils, BBC Radio 4 Beyond Belief, 22 August 2016

Are Religious Courts on the Rise? w/ Maryam Namazie, Mythicist Milwaukee, 22 August 2016

The FCO must secure Amina al-Jeffery’s safe return from Saudi Arabia, The Guardian, 4 August 2016

Sharia courts are a human rights scandal, The Freethinker, 29 July 2016

Fresh Concerns Raised About Sharia Courts In Britain, The News Hub, 27 July 2016

Concerns over the Inquiry into Sharia councils must not be Dismissed, Sedaa, 21 July 2016

Inquiry Into Shari’a In Britain Backed by New PM, But Women’s Rights Activists Unimpressed, CNS, 15 July 2016

Westminster University achieves national first by hiring first-ever paid secular adviser for staff and students, Independent, 15 July 2016

May’s Sharia Law review ALREADY under fire as new PM set for Number 10, Express, 13 July 2016

May’s inquiry into sharia is not fit for purpose, The Times, 11 July 2016

Inside Sharia Councils, Victoria Derbyshire Programme, 11 July 2016

Refusing to recognise polygamy in the West: a solution or a soundbite?, Open Democracy, 11 July 2016

More than 200 women’s rights campaigners have sent a letter to the Home Secretary raising serious concerns about the government-appointed independent review into Sharia councils in Britain. Maryam Namazie and Mona Siddiqui discuss, BBC Radio 4 Sunday, 10 July 2016

Polygamy is not a cultural conceit. It is an affront to women, Guardian CiF, 10 July 2016

Sharia courts review branded a ‘whitewash’ over appointment ‘bias’ concerns, Independent, 10 July 2016

Activism Spotlight, sister-hood, 5 July 2017

Nehru’s niece Nayantara Sahgal joins UK women to protest “discriminatory” review of Sharia courts in Britain, Counterview, 4 July 2016

Critics say a UK probe into Sharia courts is a sham, Freethinker, 3 July 2016

Britain probes Sharia courts treatment of women, UPI, 28 June 2016

Britain’s Sharia Courts Under Scrutiny, News Deeply, 24 June 2016

National Union of Students compared to fanatics from Maoist China, The Telegraph, 23 June 2016

Free Expression, BBC Radio 4, 13 June 2016 (From 13:05-17:50)

Sri Lankan Muslim Women: Unequal before the law, sister-hood, 7 June 2016

Human Rights Defender Maryam Namazie Fights on Several Fronts, CFI, 4 June 2016

Sharia law in UK: family counseling or women abuse? RT, 28 May 2016

Do Sharia councils discriminate against women? BBC World At One, 27 May 2016

An Ex-Muslim on Keeping Religion Out of Government, Interfaith Voices, 26 May 2016

Chat with Maryam Namazie on Islam & The Future of Feminism, The Skeptic Feminist, 15 May 2016

Episode 5 with Maryam Namazie, Passionate Voices, 15 May 2016

17 Skirmishes in Britain’s Campus Culture Wars, Heat Street, 6 May 2016

Bangladesh intellectuals speak against Islamist extremists, Catch News, 4 May 2016

Thousands of Atheists Might Be in For a Big Surprise When They Flock to Washington
D.C. for Their Massive ‘Reason Rally’ Event Next Month
, The Blaze, 4 May 2016

Why the NUS needs to stop ‘no-platforming’, National Student, 3 May 2016

Islamist terrorism: chilling echoes of Pastor Niemoller, Open Democracy, 2 May 2016

Why is academic freedom important?, X Index, 28 April 2016

NUS ‘no platform’ policy goes ‘too far’ and threatens free speech, Peter Tatchell warns, Independent, 25 April 2016

Secular Activist Targeted and Killed in Bangladesh, AdVox Global Voices, 7 April 2016

Women speak on secularism from … London, UK: Maryam Namazie, SIAWI, 6 April 2016

Tatchell’s reply: “A new left-wing McCarthyism”, Bright Green, 4 April 2016

Amanda Foreman on five novels about the status of women, Wall Street Journal, 1 April 2016

Protestors Sabotage Goldsmiths Free Speech Event Because They Disagreed With Comedian’s
, Huffington Post, 1 April 2016

Playground politics have arrived at university: if your views differ from the norm, you’ll be ostracised, The Telegraph, 31 March 2016

Has It Become Racist to Condemn FGM?, Huffington Post Young Voices, 31 March 2016

Protesters scupper comic’s free speech gig at Goldsmiths… because they dislike her views, Evening Standard, 31 March 2016

Can student radicals please just publish a League Table of Oppression?, The Telegraph, 25 March 2016


Free speech is a Left wing value, Spiked, 21 March 2016

Educate Together awarded ‘Secularist of the Year’ prize, NSS, 19 March 2016

The end of free speech?, Bristol Festival of Ideas panel discussion, 19 March 2016

There Was A Protest Outside NUS Headquarters Against Group’s No Platform Policies,
Huffington Post Young Voices, 18 March 2016

The idea of a university as a free space rather than a safe space is vanishing, The Spectator, 17 March 2016

Marginalised voices are the first victims of no-platforming, Politics, 16 March 2016

LSE’s Islamic Society holds banquet that separates men and women, IBT, 16 March 2016

EXCLUSIVE: London School of Economics Islamic Society holds segregated dinner with a curtain across the room to separate male and female students, Daily Mail, 15 March 2016

Can universities still provide a transformative experience?, Open Democracy, 15 March 2016

Why feminists need to learn about religion, The Conversation, 14 March 2016

Towards a secular european society, Euromind, European Parliament, 13 March 2016

Quand les islamistes infiltrent les universités, Marianne, 12 March 2016

Peter Tatchell, AC Grayling And Richard Dawkins Support Protest Against NUS No Platform Policies, Huffington Post, 11 March 2016

The “Inter-faith” trap, Secular News Network, 9 March 2016

Atheist students are losing their faith in free speech, Spiked, 7 March 2016

Now the baby boomers are the reactionaries. The tables are turned, The Guardian, 6 March 2016

Lars Åberg: Allt fler vill krocksäkra det offentliga samtalet, Goteborgs Posten, 1 March 2016

NUS criticised in open letter for its safe space and no-platform policies as free speech campaigners plan protest, The Independent, 29 February 2016

UK sharia courts condone forced marriage and ignore violence against women, Double Bind, 28 February 2016

Is This Hollywood Megastar an Atheist? Famed Actor Set to Speak to Tens of Thousands of Non-Believers at ‘Reason Rally’, The Blaze, 26 February 2016

Is university free speech under threat? My report on safe spaces, no platform & censorship, BBC, 26 February 2016

Salman Rushdie fatwa causes outrage, The Guardian, 25 February 2016

Euromind, ciencia para la política, El Mundo, 23 February 2016

Today’s student activists only reflect the censorship of our Government, The Independent, 21 February 2016

Taking offence: a new pandemic? Times Higher Education, 18 February 2016

Why must Maryam Namazie take on the left in her critiques of Islamic extremism? Feminist Current, 16 February 2016

Kerry called Daesh apostates: Here’s what real ex-Muslims had to say about that, Albawaba, 5 February 2016

The danger of equating speech with violence, Spiked, 1 February 2016

Free speech: we can recognise the wrongs of the past without using bans, Guardian Letters, 31 January 2016

I defend my right to express doubts freely about Islam, Sunday Times, 31 January 2016

Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain Criticises Trinity’s Muslim Student Association, University Times, 26 January 2016

Is free speech in British universities under threat?, The Observer, 24 January 2016

Twice as many men as women to speak at the Union in Hilary, Oxford Student, 23 January 2016

Does Everyone Want To Silence Ex-Muslims?
 Huffington Post, 22 January

KCL’s Student Israel society attacked by demonstrators, Telegraph, 20 January 2016

The poshos pushing campus censorship, The Telegraph, 19 January 2016

Student bans threaten free speech, Australian, 18 January 2016

Don’t blame the students. They’re a product of a Britain that’s losing its love of free speech, The Spectator, 18 January 2016

Restriction of free speech has ‘increased’ on UK university campuses in 2015, IBT, 18 January 2016


Stop, look, listen: the university’s role in counterterrorism, Times Higher Education, 14 January 2016

Oxford VC tells students to open their minds, The Australian, 13 January 2016

MARYAM NAMAZIE: Why I had to face down the bullies trying to silence my supposedly ‘offensive’ stance on Islam, Daily Mail, 9 January 2015

Revealed: Extremists tell students to sabotage government anti-terror drive –
as Corbyn girl backs fanatics and says ‘laws should be broken’
, Daily Mail, 8 January 2016

After Charlie Hebdo: The free speech fight begins at home, Index for Censorship, 7 January 2016

Atheism is an old boys’ club. More women should admit to being Godless, The Telegraph, 7 January 2016

Lessons of free speech ‘Charlie Hebdo’ taught us have been forgotten already, Irish Independent, 6 January 2016

The 12 biggest events to have occurred at UK universities in 2015, The Independent, 30 December 2015

Timidity over free speech is a gift to political authoritarians, South China Morning Post, 29 December 2015

Not allowing free speech on-campus is dangerous – universities need to defend their right to be offensive, The Independent, 28 December 2015

Eight student stories that defined 2015, The Guardian, 22 December 2015

Do We Need a ‘Safe Space’ from Donald Trump?, New York Times, 21 December

‘Free speech watch out, the unions are coming!’ The Telegraph, 21 December

If Nelson Mandela could tolerate Cecil Rhodes, why can’t Oxford University?
Daily Telegraph, 21 December 2015

Student censorship, Telegraph Letters, 19 December 2015

Universities ‘must stand up to easily offended students
‘, academics
warn, ITV, 19 December 2015

Universities are stifling free speech, warn leading academics as students
campaign to remove statue of ‘racist’ Cecil Rhodes from Oxford college
Daily Mail, 19 December 2015

Head of student Islamic Society that heckled ‘intolerant’ speaker quits over
a series of anti-gay tweets
, Daily Mail, 19 December 2015

Politically correct universities ‘are killing free speech’, Daily Telegraph,
18 December 2015

Goldsmiths’ Islamic and Atheist societies may face disciplinary action
over Maryam Namazie lecture
, London Student, 16 December 2015

Islamic Students Disrupt Blasphemy and Apostasy Lecture, Monday Matters,
16 December 2015

The Left Must Stand With Apostates, Too, Huffington Post, 15 December
News Goldsmiths’ Islamic and Atheist societies may face disciplinary action over Maryam Namazie lecture, London Student, 16 December 2015

Islamic Students Disrupt Blasphemy and Apostasy Lecture, Monday Matters, 16 December 2015

It’s PMQs, not safe spaces, which is the future for open debate, Yahoo news, 15 December 2015

“Islamism is a vast killing machine” – An interview with Maryam Namazie, Exepose, 14 December 2015

MuslimInnen gegen Scharia-Gerichte, Emma, December 2015

Back To The Drawing Board At Goldsmiths SU, London Student, 14 December 2015

How A Speech About Secularism At Goldsmiths University Sparked A Debate About Homophobia And Islam, Albawaba, 14 December 2015

No cloak of invisibility, The Independent, 14 December 2015

The Left Must Stand With Apostates, Too, Huffington Post, 12 December 2015

Feminist hits out at ‘betrayal’ by students, The Times, 12 December 2015

University Islamic society president resigns after tweet ‘homosexuality is a disease’, Express, 10 December 2015

Goldsmiths University’s Islamic Society President Resigns After Sending Homophobic Tweets, Huffington, 10 December 2015

Calls For The NUS To Reform Safe Space Policy Following Maryam Namazie Disruption, London Student, 10 December 2015

University’s Islamic society president resigns after tweet saying ‘homosexuality is a disease of the heart and the mind’ is found on his account, Daily Mail, 10 December 2015

David Cameron urged to ban ‘discriminatory’ sharia courts from hearing divorce cases, Standard, 10 December 2015

Goldsmiths Islamic society head quits in wake of anti-gay tweet claims, Evening Standard, 9 December 2015

We must be free to challenge beliefs without fear of intimidation, Evening Standard, 9 December 2015

‘Progressieve’ fundamentalisten kapen safe places, Opiniez, 7 December 2015

Sharia courts in the UK should be stopped from presiding over divorces, campaigners warn, Independent, 6 December 2015

There’s nothing safe about student ‘safe spaces’ anymore, The Spectator, 6 December 2015

The Shame and the Disgrace of the Pro-Islamist Left, Quilette, 6 December 2015

Multiculturalism and the culture of offence, Independent Ireland, 6 December 2015

Goldsmiths Islamic Society protesters intimidate ex-Muslim campaigner, The Mancunion, 6 December 2015

University ‘safe space’ policies stifle freedom of expression, warns human rights activist, The Independent, 4 December 2015

See How Ex-Muslim Handles Muslim Disrupters During University Presentation: ‘Oh, You’re Intimidated? Go to Your Safe Space’, The Blaze, 4 December 2015

Islamic Student Society Heckles Human Rights Activist During Blasphemy Lecture, The Tower, 4 December 2015

Muslim students from Goldsmiths University’s Islamic Society ‘heckle and aggressively interrupt’ Maryam Namazie talk, The Independent, 4 December 2015

The Liberal Racism faced by ex-Muslims, Spiked, 4 December 2015

Activist to complain to police over death threats at controversial Goldsmiths talk, East London Lines, 4 December 2015

Professors bullied online by students as they lose control of classroom, academic says, The Telegraph, 3 December 2015

Islamic Society students disrupt university lecture on blasphemy and make ‘death threat’, Sunday Express, 3 December 2015

Muslim students disrupt, heckle human rights speaker, accuse her of ‘violating their safe space’, The College Fix, 3 December 2015

Muslim students try to disrupt ex-Muslim Maryam Namazie’s talk on blasphemy at Goldsmiths University, NSS, 3 December 2015

Goldsmiths’ Islamic Society students disrupt human rights activist’s speech, Evening Standard, 3 December 2015

Islamic students pull plug on talk by atheist who ‘violated safe space’, The Times, 3 December 2015

University Islamic Society students ‘make death threats’ as they disrupt controversial blasphemy lecture by human rights activist who they said ‘violated their safe space’, Daily Mail, 2 December 2015

University Islamic Society accused of ‘thuggery’ against campaigner, East London Lines, 2 December 2015

Human rights campaigner heckled at blasphemy lecture, The Telegraph, 2 December 2015

Malaysian Apostate Confesses On Twitter #ExMuslimBecause “I Wanna Eat Pork, Drink Alcohol And Fornicate Freely”, Malaysian Digest, 2 December 2015

Universities must encourage free speech, not silence, The Boar, 22 November 2015

#ExMuslimBecause sparks serious debate, cheap insults and everything in between, Al Bawaba, 22 November 2015

As David Starkey is the latest to be banned by our politically correct universities… Britain’s students: the new fascists? Daily Mail, 20 November 2015

Video: Richard Dawkins discusses Coventry Telegraph’s Warwick University speaker ban story on US television show, Coventry Telegraph, 19 November 2015

Young, well educated – and permanently offended, Irish Independent, 11 November 2015

The Internet is outraged after Briton who fought Daesh is banned from speaking at his old university, Al Bawaba, 8 November 2015

Students accused of stifling debate with speaker bans, The Times, 6 November 2015

Just look who the university Thought Police have banned now…, The Telegraph, 6 November 2015

Beware the soft Stalinists of campus, The Times, 5 November 2015

Interview with Maryam Namazie, BBC Scotland, 1 November 2015

We’ll lose something vital if we stop debate on campus and beyond, The Guardian, 1 November 2015

Death of free speech: As Germaine Greer is branded ‘transphobic’ by student feminists, a top academic attacks the self-righteous zealots censoring history and literature and crushing debate in our universities, Daily Mail, 31 October 2015

Report: Maryam Namazie Speaks at Warwick University, Student Rights, 29 October 2015

Maryam Namazie speaks at the Phil after cancelled SOFIA talk, Trinity News, 21 October 2015

Why I speak out against Islamism, Guardian Comment is Free, 13 October 2015

British universities have a duty to defend the ‘unsafe’ space, The Spectator, 13 October 2015

Het cultuurrelativisme zal ons redden, Trouw, 11 October 2015

A hashtag shouldn’t make men fear for their lives. They already have a safe space – most of the world, The Guardian, 7 October 2015

Bill Maher, Richard Dawkins blast leftists for ‘betrayal’ of free speech, Campus Reform, 7 October 2015

Interview with Maryam Namazie, The Circled A, Resonance FM, 6 October 2015

Free Speech Is Being Defaced – We Must Fight, Huffington Post, 6 October 2015

Let Namazie speak, Trinity News, 4 October 2015

It’s time to shame ‘shame culture’, Telegraph, 5 October 2015

How modern-day ‘liberals’ are destroying the idea of liberalism, DNA, 4 October 2015

How brave Muslims are being silenced, The Guardian, 4 October 2015

Stepford Students safe in their little PC world, Irish Independent, 3 Oct 2015

Liddle’s Got Issues: freedom of speech, Sunday Times, 3 October 2015

Richard Dawkins on Regressive Left, Real Time with Bill Maher, 2 October 2015

The Problem With Religious Tolerance, The Chronicles of Higher Education, 2 October 2015

If Islamists can speak on campus, why can’t I? Spiked, 29 September 2015

Free speech can’t just apply to those you agree with, Spectator, 28 Sept 2015

Maryam Namazie: Warwick University student union ban on ex-Muslim campaigner overturned after outcry, IBT, 28 September 2015

Warwick University Student’s Union forced to overturn ban on ex-Muslim speaker, Coventry Observer, 28 Sept 2015

Sometimes it’s painful and scary to hear the truth, Evening Standard, 28 September 2015

Ex-Muslim speaker’s Warwick University ban overturned following public pressure, Coventry Telegraph, 27 Sept 2015

Anger as speaker at Warwick University banned over Islam offence fears, Coventry Telegraph, 27 September 2015

Atheistophobia: It’s time to talk about the most persecuted minority in the world, The Nation, 27 September 2015

Secular activist BANNED from speaking at UK university in case she offends, Express, 26 September 2015

Petition launched to allow secular activist Maryam Namazie’s speech at Warwick University, following ‘ban’, Independent, 26 Sept 2015

Why Warwick university was wrong to ban ex-Muslim speaker Maryam Namazie, Al Bab, 26 September 2015

Maryam Namazie banned from university talk, Daily Mail, 26 September 2015

Student union blocks speech by ‘inflammatory’ anti-sharia activist, The Guardian, 26 September 2015

Maryam Namazie: Secular activist barred from speaking at Warwick University over fears of ‘inciting hatred’ against Muslim students, The Independent, 25 September 2015

Ex-Muslim human rights campaigner Maryam Namazie banned from Warwick University because she’d offend Islam, IBT, 25 September 2015

Warwick Student Union bans ex-Muslim activist and says speakers must “avoid insulting other faiths”, NSS Newsline, 25 September 2015

Speaker banned from Warwick University over fears of offending Islam, Coventry Telegraph, 25 September 2015

Controversial speaker BANNED from talking at university- because she might offend Muslim

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