Maryam Namazie will be in Sydney and Melbourne Australia during 22-28 August to speak on and debate the issue of Sharia law and women's rights. Below is the schedule as of now. Updates…
Adam Barnett co-write One Law for All's Enemies Not Allies: The Far:Right report. Here he responds to Robert Spencer's statement on the report.
Following the publication of ‘Enemies Not Allies: The Far-Right’, our new…
Dear friend
New Report - Enemies Not Allies: The Far-Right
A new One Law for All report explores how the far-Right has attempted to hijack opposition to Islamism for its own ends. It focuses on…
13 August 2011
Recently, the Islamist group Muslims Against Crusades began what it called a campaign for “Islamic emirates” throughout Britain by putting up posters declaring areas of east London as “sharia controlled zones”.…
Maryam Namazie will be speaking at the World Founding Congress of Free Thought in Oslo, Norway on 10 August 2011. The Congress will be held during 900am to 530pm and is organised at…
The below was Maryam Namazie’s speech at the 28 June 2011 debate on Sharia law atthe House of Commons .
Sharia law should have no place in Britain or anywhere else…
Click the 'like' button and put your statements, photos, videos, poems, and acts of solidarity against stoning and in support of Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani and others sentenced to death by stoning on the…
See latest statements in support of the International Day against Stoning
Dear friend
11 July, the International Day against Stoning, will soon be here.
As you know Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani is still languishing in prison.…
Dear friend
Successful debate on Sharia law in Britain at House of Commons
One Law for All and the National Secular Society held a successful debate on sharia law at the House of Commons on…
One Law for All and the National Secular Society held a successful debate on sharia law at the House of Commons on Tuesday 28 June 2011 chaired by Jim Fitzpatrick MP. One…
One Law for All and the National Secular Society are holding a debate on Sharia law at the House of Commons on 28 June from 6-8pm. Speakers are Omer El-Hamdoon, Muslim Association of…
Maryam Namazie will be speaking on One Law for All at a conference in Genoa, Italy organised by Marea Feminist Review. For more information, click here.