Saturday 21 November 2009 – ART COMPETITION
One Law For All is sponsoring an Art Competition open to all artists. The event promotes freedom and equal rights for all citizens. Artistic expression, as embodied by the campaign’s emblematic phrase: One Law For All, will focus on exposing the discriminatory nature of religious – based tribunals and encouraging equal rights. Chosen works will be shown during a gallery exhibition in November. Three of art works will be awarded and presented on the Website ( front page ).
Entry Format: all medium.
Contest Deadline: 1 November 2009
Send your work via email to:
or post CD to One Law For All Campaign:
Art Competition
BM Box 2387
London WC1N 3XX, UK
join us on

Are there any prizes involved with the competition?
Is there any compensation for the time and money spent making the art?
If someone sends in a non-digital piece, can they get it back?
What about artists’ rights to their work?
The competition is finished now; there is no compensation. It is a competition in support of the campaign and its aims and like most everything else is voluntary. There is a small prize which will be announced with the winners. You can get the non-digital work back but we anyway need it photographed and emailed digitally. For more information, contact the art competition email in the information above.
Jane Nah
is there an age limit for the entrants?
Maryam Namazie
I would think 16 and over but email us if you have a specific request at
Kylie Jefferson
What a great website! It will work for any type of charity and social work!