One Law for All Art Competition Winners
One Law for All Campaign is pleased to announce the winners of 2009’s art competition, Passion for Freedom,
which was organised to promote universal and equal rights and expose the discriminatory nature of religious laws.
Winners of the competition are as follows:
- First prize – ID and Stoning by Julie Ball

- Second prize – Sharia law in Iran by Gaby Grammeno
- Third prize – Sister of Emancipation by Emma Louise Simira Thackham
The first prize winner will receive £100 donated by the Central London Humanist Group,
the second prize winner will receive a crate of wine donated by Goranka Gudelj,
and the third prize winner will receive £50 donated by the Central London Humanist Group.
The prominent judges deciding on the pieces were:
A C Grayling (Professor of Philosophy at Birkbeck College, University of London),
Polly Toynbee (columnist for the Guardian),
Deeyah (Pakistani-Norwegian singer, composer and human rights activist).
As a result of the interest raised by the successful 2009 competition, One Law for All will be extending its art project.
We will be holding a gallery exhibition in the Spring to show pieces from the previous competition as well as new pieces received in the coming months.
Click here for more details of conditions of entry.
Nice artwork, Can we not see the top 50?
first! 🙂
impressive stuff!
Keep it up guys!
Outstanding and thought-provoking.
What wonderful artists! These works stir up such emotions and will hopefully stir us all to support this wonderful cause.
We women don’t always realise how much power we have to bring revelation and change.
Mick Penning
Great to wake up to… A message in my in-box telling me that there are people out there who care. Art has always been a valuable weapon in the fight to defeat tyranny and the quality of these entrants and prize winners is wonderful.
The distress of just knowing, or being reminded -that ‘stoning’ is still very much an evil part of many people’s everyday life. This morally corrupting ancient practice, to say nothing of the painful and agonising death inflicted by its practitioners, must be fought on all fronts -and this competion, by its results, shows that Art is at the forefront -to help persuade more people to get involved in putting it in the past forever.
I really like the art work by Emma,it makes me feel safe and warm
Daniel de Culla
Deserved Prizes. Congratulations to Winners.
Kisses and Blessed be¡
Eileen Campbell
Powerful images…ID and The Stoning are chilling – quite horrific images but beautiful at the same time.
Serious art on a serious subject.
If only the Art Establishment would take on such subjects
instead of being supportive of our enemies, or supportive
of trivial gimmickry
jerker karlsson
Is it possible to buy or to bid any of the art pieces?
John Bishop
The images of the art are stark. Do the people who perpetrate Sharia law, aware that this is 2010 and not 210. This kind of barbarism died out in the civilsed world thousands of years ago.
The Silver Fox
The winners submitted excellent pictures and capture the agony of stoning and caning under Sharia law. I have lived many years in Saudi Arabia and had many occasions to travel to most of the Middle East countries. Sharia law should be abolished worldwide. They use Sharia law to punish people unjustly and the, infamous, Muttawa (the religious police) members are brutal and ruthless. Even though the ruling Saudi family said that non Muslims could practice their faith in private, the religious police make no attempt to differentiate between private and public and arrest and torture muslim and non-muslims alike, under the guise of Sharia law. Beheading of men and women take place frequently in Riyadh’s “chop-chop”square, as it is known to foreigners.I fully support the efforts you are making to make to world aware of the atrocities committed under Sharia law. Keep up the good work.
Loved the sculptures and paintings
Most interesting. May I suggest that all entries are put on line so that those of us who are unable to visit may see.
Emma Thackham
Thanks to everybody for their positive comments! I was delighted to have won 3rd prize in this competition. If anybody is local to Liverpool they can see this piece if they are quick! It is currently being exhibited at The Egg Cafe, Newington, Liverpool
see for further details but be you’ll need to be fast as there are only two days left of the exhibition.
The title of the piece is actually Sister of Emancipation and it is the main image of a series I began creating back in 2005. The yet to be completed series will be on show at Blackburne House, Liverpool in October this year scheduled into their programme to coincide with Black History Month, see for further updates closer to the time and thanks again for your support and congratulations to Julie and Gaby the other winners their work is both haunting and inspiring!!!
Wow I love them, and how they capture the emotion of being held back and the bigest hope seems to be that you are fighting the good fight for freedom to be the real you. well done
Geronimo Aristotle
Sharia Law would not allow such images at all. It would be anti-Islamic to even look at such things. So how much influence would such images achieve?
Miton. V
I hope there will be a strong publicity effort behind the art work and what they stand for. The barbaric, decayed, vile world of Sharia and how it has *NO* place in Britain or the modern civilized world.
Mrs C Brown
Sharia law is barbaric and obviously written by a woman-hater as the punishments are inhuman. Contrast that with men`s rights in Sharia law and there is no comparison, men can literally get away with murder!!
No wonder muslim women, especially in Afghanistan, often commit suicide!
Maureen Sinclair
At last – contemporary art that means something,and comments on one of the most shameful aspects of the use of religion