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22-28 August 2011, speaking tour, Sydney/Melbourne Australia

Maryam Namazie will be in Sydney and Melbourne Australia during 22-28 August to speak on and debate the issue of Sharia law and women’s rights. Below is the schedule as of now. Updates can be found here.

Also see Maryam Namazie’s op-ed in the Australian entitled Australia must fight calls for Sharia law published on 12 August 2011.

Dinner and Talk: Should Australia follow Britain in accommodating Islamic sharia law?: 6.30 pm Monday 22 August 2011
Description: Talk by Maryam Namazie and fundraising dinner for One Law For All.
Maryam will speak about the implications of legal pluralism for Australia, with insights from the UK experience to date in accommodating Islamic sharia law through the Arbitration Act 1996, and the current effort to limit the power of sharia courts and religious tribunals through the Arbitration and Mediation Services (Equality) Bill.
Venue: Finola’s Restaurant (Balmain Bowling Club), 156 Darling St, Balmain, Sydney.
Cost $50 per person – SOLD OUT
RSVP: Gaby Grammeno at (02) 4754 3569.

Sharia law and human rights
Melbourne PEN and WISA
6.30 pm, Tuesday 23 August 2011
The Wheeler Centre, 176 Little Lonsdale Street, Melbourne
Cost: $10
RSVP: Melbourne PEN at

Religious Courts in the Secular State
Date: Wednesday 24 August
Description: Maryam will talk at Melbourne Free University’s open discussion space.
Venue: Dexter Bar/Cafe, 123 Queens Pde, Clifton Hill, Melbourne.
Cost: Free
RSVP: Gavin Vance at

Sharia law and human rights
Date: 6.00 pm Thursday 25 August 2011
Description: UWS Open forum
Venue: University of Western Sydney Parramatta South Campus (main campus), cnr Victoria Rd and James Ruse Drive, Rydalmere, Building EE room G.03.
Cost: Free
RSVP here.

Challenging sharia law
NSW Humanists
Date: 2.00 pm, Saturday 27 August 2011
Venue: Humanist House, 10 Shepherd St, Chippendale
Cost: Free for NSW Humanist members, gold coin donation for others.

She also has interviews arranged with the following:
ABC News 24’s One Plus One program
ABC Radio National’s Late Night Live, with Phillip Adams
ABC Radio National’s The Spirit of Things with Rachael Kohn
ABC Radio 774’s Conversation Hour, with Jon Faine (Melbourne)
Elizabeth Farrelly, contributor to the Sydney Morning Herald
Chris Merritt, Legal Affairs Editor, The Australian
SBS Radio’s Persian Program, 24 August
Ida Lichter, author of Muslim Women Reformers


  • Gavin V
    Posted 5th May 2011 2:33 am 0Likes

    I trust that in those 10 days there will be a side trip down to Melbourne for Maryam? Would very much love to hear her speak in person.

  • jane
    Posted 5th May 2011 7:49 am 0Likes

    Hoorary! How can I help?

  • Dalek de Skaro
    Posted 5th May 2011 1:04 pm 0Likes

    ANY chance of a Melbourne visit, seeing you are here for 10 days?
    Can’t make it to Sydney!

    • Gavin V
      Posted 1st July 2011 9:37 am 0Likes

      Yes…stay tuned

  • MaryamNamazie
    Posted 1st July 2011 9:55 am 0Likes

    Hi, please contact Gaby at if you can help as she is organising the visit for me. Looking forward to coming!

  • Rafiq Mahmood
    Posted 3rd July 2011 7:09 am 0Likes

    Any chance of a stop over in Singapore or Jakarta?

    • MaryamNamazie
      Posted 5th July 2011 11:37 am 0Likes

      I wish I had thought of it earlier but can’t do so now. Sorry.

  • Nicko
    Posted 8th July 2011 4:10 pm 0Likes

    You should come to Brisbane!!

    • MaryamNamazie
      Posted 25th July 2011 5:41 pm 0Likes

      I could come if a meeting was organised there. Email me if anything comes up. Thanks

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