URGENT VENUE CHANGE Time: 1400-16:00 hours VENUE: Richmond Terrace junction with Whitehall opposite Downing Street (SW1A 2). (Please note venue change from Trafalgar Square made by police; closest underground: Westminster.) Then March in…
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Maryam Namazie, One Law for All, opening speech:
Asad Abbas, Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain:
Keith Porteous Wood, National Secular Society:
Rahila Gupta, Southall Black…
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November 21 a successful day against Sharia and religious laws
Several hundred joined a rally in London’s Hyde Park organised by One Law for All…

Date: 21-23rd August
Place: All-Ireland Humanist summer school
Goranka Gudelj and Yassi Atasheen speak on the One Law for All Campaign.

Maryam Namazie
Date: June 21, 2009
Time: 7:30pm
Maryam Namazie spoke about the One Law for All campaign
Organisation Hosting: Essex Humanists
Contact: Marie Oatham, eh@oatham.waitrose.com