A new Jesus and Mo comic ‘dedicated to Rhys Morgan, Jessica Ahlquist, One Law for All, and Salman Rushdie. Heroes, all.’

A new Jesus and Mo comic ‘dedicated to Rhys Morgan, Jessica Ahlquist, One Law for All, and Salman Rushdie. Heroes, all.’
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Pedram Kazemi-Esfarjani
Bravo, political cartoonists of the World! From Denmark to Great Britain, from France to Tunisia, all working to defend Freedom of Expression against Islamic Imperialism and other totalitarian violent forces right, left and centre!
If, like me, you have trouble seeing the full cartoon just go to w ww . jesusandmo . net
Fixed it. Sorry. And Thanks!
Where’s Moses??? Oh yeah I forgot, his too busy committing Genocide!!
Where’s the secularist Stalin?? Oh yeah, fucking over millions of peoples…. dare I mention the great Chris Columbus!! The main man!!! He is the only guy that makes Hitler looks like Pope John Paul….