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12 March 2011 – International Conference on Women’s Rights, Sharia Law and Secularism – London

12 March 2011, 10.00-19.00 hours, University of London Union, The Venue, Malet Street, London WC1E – see map
(Closest underground: Russell Square and Goodge Street)

Registration desk opens at 10am for a 1030am start.

The one day conference to mark International Women’s Day will discuss the adverse impact of religious laws on the status of women.

The conference will have sessions on Religion’s Impact on Women’s Rights (A discussion on whether religion is compatible with women’s rights, the limits of religious freedom and the intrusion of culture, religion and tradition on women’s status); Religion and Secularism (A discussion on whether religion and secularism are interdependent, complimentary or contradictory); and Religion and the Law (A discussion on religion’s intrusion in the law and on the importance of secularism).  A C Grayling will deliver the keynote address. There will also be a showing of Ghazi Rabihavi’s play ‘Stoning’ – ‘A very strong and powerful piece of work, beautifully constructed’ as described by Harold Pinter.
Stoning leaflet

Speakers include:
Ahlam Akram, Executive Committee member of the Arab Jewish Forum and Joint Action for Israeli Palestinian Peace (UK)
Philipp Bekaert, Member of Réseau d’Actions pour la Promotion d’un Etat Laïque (Belgium)
Julie Bindel, Journalist and Campaigner to end violence against women and children (UK)
Patty Debonitas, Spokesperson of Iran Solidarity (UK)
Nadia Geerts, Co-founder of Réseau d’Action pour la Promotion d’un Etat laïque (Belgium)
A C Grayling, Philosopher and Author (UK)
Maria Hagberg, Chairperson of the Network Against Honour-Related Violence (Sweden)
Anne-marie Lizin, Honorary Speaker of the Belgian Senate and Coordinator of the Association against Honour Crimes and Forced Marriages (Belgium)
Maryam Namazie, Spokesperson of One Law for All, Equal Rights Now and the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain (UK)
Elizabeth O’Casey, Vice-President of the National Secular Society (UK)
Fariborz Pooya, Director of Iranian Secular Society (UK)
Yasmin Rehman Campaigner against violence against women and for community cohesion (UK)
Gita Sahgal, Writer, Journalist and Women’s Rights Activist (UK)
Nina Sankari, President of the European Feminist Initiative (Poland)
Sohaila Sharifi, Women’s Rights Activist (UK)
Annie Sugier, Cofounder of the League of Women’s International Rights (France)
Michèle Vianès, President of Regards de Femmes (France)

Entry fee: £10 individuals; £3 unwaged and students.

To register a place, please fill in form below and email to You can also register at the door on the day but pre-reigstration is preferred.

Booking form:
Download Booking Form – doc format

Schedule of the day:

1000-1030 Registration
1030-1040 Opening Keynote
1040-1220 Religion’s Impact on Women’s Rights (A discussion on whether religion is compatible with women’s rights, the limits of religious freedom and the intrusion of culture, religion and tradition on women’s status)
1220-1225 On the Alliance for a Secular Europe
1225-1405 Religion and Secularism (A discussion on whether religion and secularism are interdependent, complimentary or contradictory)
1405-1520 Lunch
1520-1700 Religion and the Law (A discussion on religion’s intrusion in the law and on the importance of secularism)
1700-1720 Tea/Coffee Break
1720-1850 Stoning, A play by Ghazi Rabihavi
1850-1900 Closing Address

The Conference is sponsored by the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain, International Committee against Stoning, Iran Solidarity, Equal Rights Now and One Law for All.

For more information, contact:
One Law for All, BM Box 2387, London WC1N 3XX, UK
Telephone: +44 (0) 7719166731


  • Maryam
    Posted 20th February 2011 11:06 pm 0Likes

    Thanking for organizing this conference, I am interested to attend in your conference as an student. But I can’t find any place in your booing form for my case in the payment section. May you advise me?


  • shabnam
    Posted 2nd March 2011 2:15 am 0Likes

    Mobarezeh be evil

  • shabnam
    Posted 2nd March 2011 2:17 am 0Likes

    az shoma poshtibani mikonim.

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