On February 11th, at 7pm at Toynbee Hall in East London, the Centre for Secular Space launches its first publication, Double Bind: the Muslim Right, the Anglo-American Left, and Universal Human Rights by Meredith Tax. Speakers at the event include Meredith Tax, Gita Sahgal, Fariborz Pooya and Ansar Ahmed Ullah. For more information, contact: admin@centreforsecularspace.org.

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Regarding the Muslims right I want to leave a comment about bigamy I am not sure if your lecture will be covering this matter but I would like to leave a comment if you are. More than 1 marriage you cant stop it because as long as the male doesn’t register more than 1 wife in this country there’s nothing you can do or is there? What you can do is catch him when the 2nd, 3rd or 4th wife goes to the Sharia Divorce Council for a divorce at that point you can do some background research to see if he has more than 1 wife but for that to happen you need the Shariah Divorce Councils communication BUT is it illegal because he has not registered her as a wife in this country. Plus another thing you can do is that if he has done more than 1 marriage then there must be a nikkah namah (marriage certificate) now the funny thing is that when I got married the British Embassy accepted my nikkah namah as a legal marriage document so my wife was allowed to live in the U.K and I did not have to do a registerey marriage. SO if they accepted that I am sure this stupid country can do something about it if the man has more than 1 wife meaning more than 1 nikkah namah or a registered mariage and a nikkah namah with another women should’nt that be illegal (bigamy) common sense is it not if a nikkah namah is a legal binding document. I’m not in favour of it because if you have 4 wife’s or less and you treat them all eqaully and each wife knows you have another wife I can’t see the problem and my Religion Islam allows it but also Islam says you should abide with the laws of your country as long as they are not against the Islamic laws there are lot’s of things in this country that Muslims abide with which ARE AGAINST the Islamic law I am sure I dont need to go into details on that one, so just having 1 wife should’nt be that difficult for the Muslims to accept should it? so this should be a easy obstacle for you lot to get passed you wish. There’s an easy way around this use your brains do some research Meredith Tax, Gita Sahgal, Maryam Namazie and Ansar Ahmed Ullah and all you other members and problem solved. You must be thinking it’s hard nothings hard if you put your mind to it that’s what my Aunty Gina Khan taught me I am just giving a little support to my Aunty Gina because I love her and admire the courage she showed for standing up for Muslim women and against the extremists at dangerous times. I am very strong in my Islamic Beliefs but I dont think Sharia law should be in this country we are a multi cultural and religious country, its more for the Muslim countries so you can grab your wives and move out there lol. Good Luck hope your event goes well on Feb 11th I would of loved to come but this country has destroyed me and I have lost my self confidence and am suffering from depression personal matter I don’t want to get into saying that your universal human rights lecture might of been a good up lifter for me but Dr Tahir Ul Qadri lectures in Pakistan will do lol. Take Care I AM SORRY IF I HAVE OFFENDED ANYONE IN ANYWAY.